Monday, May 6, 2013

Bodybuilding with Ric and Rich

Don't ever say nothing in life's for free, because Ric Drasin of Ric's Corner, now joined by NPC Mr. California Rich Piana, are providing the bodybuilding public with great programming - at no cost to you!

Still... the haters are flappin their gums and leaving negative comments. The hosts can't - and won't - be bothered by these ridiculous detractors.

The collaboration brings you an honest look into training, eating, and supplementation. They talk about the natural products, but there's no attempt to deny or hide the stacks! They'll talk to you about anabolic agents, dosages, and side effects. Piana has also addressed the issue of Synthol head on. He tried it; he's not on it and no, he didn't achieve his Mutant-Approved guns with oil. It's 100% Muscle (so get over it if you hate the guy!).

If you haven't done so yet, please check out the Official Ric Drasin website, as well as our Ric Drasin FanPage on Facebook.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Rich Piana, Ric Drasin on the Mind

Ric Drasin, host of Ric's Corner, brought back Mr. California Rich Piana for an excellent program titled "The Power of the Mind."

In an industry obsessed with high caloric intake, supplements, steroids, and a number of training philosophies, many people seem to forget just how powerful the MIND/MUSCLE connection is. You have to believe in yourself. Ric stresses the importance of positive energy and strong mental, in order to achieve your goals.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

D-bol Shirts Comin Soon!

You can be natural, but why not wear a t-shirt that's sure to get some laughs and quite possibly annoy some people to the point they'll walk from one side of the gym to the other to lecture you on the dangers of steroids. Undocumented, unsubstantiated, totally made-up dangers, but dangers are dangers - who cares if they're not legitimate or not!

Ric Drasin designed the original logos for both Gold's Gym and World Gym. When these shirts come out - you KNOW I'll get one. Will you?

As always, visit

This Just In!
If you wear this t-shirt you will not test positive in drug testing. Also, you can wear these shirts year-round, no off-cycling necessary. It would be cool if Ric came out with a Testosterone or Primobolan t-shirt - so you could stack your tees...get it? lol

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Strongest Bodybuilders of All Time?

Ric Drasin has seen a lot of physiques in his day - guys that did bodybuilding, guys that wrestled - guys that did both. He did both. And Wrestling is largely a sport of illusion, there's heroes and villains, tall guys and short ones, strong guys and ... not so strong ones.

But I want to know who the real freaks of wrestling were. My whole life, since the first time I saw Hulk Hogan tear his shirt to threads - I've debated who the strongest champions were. Clearly, most guys couldn't press a 250lb man in the air like the Ultimate Warrior. Even with assistance, not even a strong bodybuilder could have picked up, much less body slammed Andre the Giant like Hogan did.

Let me also stress for the record. I don't care what these guys may (or may not have been on). This post isn't about that. There's plenty of pages you guys (and girls) could go to if you're dead set on finding write-ups on gear - this isn't one of 'em.

I'm sure many of the greats must have frequented the Classic Gyms like Gold's Venice, World Gym, and I'm sure many continue going to the big gyms nationally. Let's see what the Champ has to say!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Training Chest w/ Ric & Robby Robinson

This was another great video, because Robby actually gets started on a Smith Machine, which I never would have guessed would be up his alley. There's also a great segment on the grip and targeting of the pectoral muscle. Also, I think people will get a real treat listening to the champ's insights insofar as this particular piece of equipment.

Visit Robby's Website

Another great part of the video deals with the pressure on the target muscle, as well as the role of the contraction on the muscle. Further, there's some discussion relating to arch. Normally, we don't talk about arch on a Smith Machine, but it's key to address every approach to the lift. There's a reason why Robby looks the way he does today - FLAWLESS!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ric, Rich Piana on Supplements

Ric Drasin had the legendary bodybuilder Rich Piana on one of the latest editions of Ric's Corner to talk about training and supplements. But hold the presses!! When I say they talk about supplements - I mean just that. Not your run of the mill protein, creatine, and mulit-vitamin talk. On this show, the guys talk about Insulin, Synthol, Growth Hormone, and a thermogenic from back in the day that would ramp up your body's temperature to 105 Degrees. The side effect? Death. But nonetheless, the stuff couldn't stay in stock.

Only a bodybuilder would risk his/her life to be ripped. But this is the reality. To a great many people - it's all about being 100%.

What's great about this episode - like all Ric's Corner episodes - is that you're given the truth insofar as what the supplements do. The guys then give you their feedback.

This program isn't a Say No to Roids event, but it's also not about glamorizing usage. These men have no reason to lie. In fact, they talk about how some guys don't even need drugs. There needs to be some honesty in these types of discussions - especially in topics that the mainstream press has done a poor job of covering. Ric and Rich deliver 110% here!