Saturday, February 9, 2013

D-bol Shirts Comin Soon!

You can be natural, but why not wear a t-shirt that's sure to get some laughs and quite possibly annoy some people to the point they'll walk from one side of the gym to the other to lecture you on the dangers of steroids. Undocumented, unsubstantiated, totally made-up dangers, but dangers are dangers - who cares if they're not legitimate or not!

Ric Drasin designed the original logos for both Gold's Gym and World Gym. When these shirts come out - you KNOW I'll get one. Will you?

As always, visit

This Just In!
If you wear this t-shirt you will not test positive in drug testing. Also, you can wear these shirts year-round, no off-cycling necessary. It would be cool if Ric came out with a Testosterone or Primobolan t-shirt - so you could stack your tees...get it? lol